On entering the stronghold of Fort Cybertron, you will be instructed as to which objects to find on each level. Once you have collected all the treasure (only one on level one), run in search of the room containing the safe. Touching the safe advances you to the next level. There are a total of 16 rooms on each level, in the form of a 4x4 grid. You are well advised to draw a map as the layout of the levels is designed to confuse you! The treasure can be in any one of these rooms, and to pick up an item, simply move over it. It will then appear in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to signify that you are carrying it!
On the first level, your only adversaries are the Spinners. These do not fire back, but later on you will meet the Clones with their rapid firepower, and still later the Cyberdroids which are more intelligent.
Other information is included in the program.
Lastly, a good score would be one of over 32,000.
Game Controls
< - Left
> - Right
A - Up
Z - Down
M - Fire
Esc - Stop game
F12 - Leave game
You can also fire and move diagonally by holding down two direction keys together.
Inside the game application directory is a configuration file named !Config. Loading this into a text editor will allow you to change the game options. Initially, the options are set to:
Changing the value after the equals sign (=) will allow you to change the number of lives and the initial level you start with.
This game will run on all RISC OS computers from ARM250, RISC OS 3.xx to StrongARM, RISC OS 4.xx.
There are no sound effects.
BBC version by Matthew Bates. Copyright Micro Power Ltd. 1983.
RISC OS conversion by Michael Foot.
RISC OS screen address calculations by Thomas Harte.
Version 1.01 (09 Feb 2003)
- Made 26/32 bit compatible.
Version 1.00 (21 Dec 2001)
- Initial version.
The latest version can be obtained from my home page at <http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/mjfoot/>.